Sunday, December 8, 2019

How to delete a repository on GitHub

Deleting a repository on GitHub

Before deleting a repo on GitHub, know that you can also make it private for free as of 2019.

To delete a repo on GitHub do the following:
·       Go to repository.
·       Make note of the URL if you want to test it later.
·       Click settings and go to danger zone.
·       Click on Delete this repository.
(you will be prompted to confirm).
·       On confirmation, you must type the name of the repo
(pasting will not do).
·       Click on the delete button.
·       Enter your password if asked.
·       Confirm to finish deletion.

Besides deleting repositories on GitHub, you can make repositories private, or archive a repository by making it a read-only repo; You can even transfer ownership if you are not interested on the project anymore.

To do any of these transactions, follow the first three steps outlined above, and then choose the action you're interested in.

Be well,

Sunday, December 1, 2019

How to install Ubuntu Bash on Windows 10 natively, without using dual boot

  1. Assure you have the latest Windows 10 release. 
  2. Open PowerShell as administrator. 
  3. Run this command:
    Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux 
  4. Restart when prompted. 
  5. Download your choice of WSL from the Windows Store, e.g. Ubuntu 
  6. Click on Ubuntu from the Start window to install it. 
  7. Enter new username and password. 
  8. End. 

Detailed explanation:

1- First, assure that your Windows 10 is up to date

You can do this by clicking on WIN + i,
and then select Update & Security,
then press Check for Updates.

2- Now, open PowerShell as an administrator 

The easiest way is to open PowerShell is to press the WIN + x key combination. From there you can select to open PowerShell as an administrator.

3- Enable  the Windows optional feature shown below

At the PowerShell terminal type the following command:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux 


4- Restart the computer when prompted

Let it run. Then, restart the computer when the restart message is displayed in the terminal.

5- Download Ubuntu from the Windows Store

After the computer starts, log in and visit the Windows Store to download Ubuntu or other Linux distros if available.

The download is free, but you still need to log into your Microsoft account to download Ubuntu.

6- Open Ubuntu 

To start Ubuntu, open the Windows Start window and click on the Ubuntu icon.

Installation will start.

7- Create a terminal user account

Next, you will be asked to create a username and enter a password. This is the main Ubuntu user, but you can add other users later.

You'll find more about users in the following URL:

8- Enjoy it

When the installation ends, you may play with it or just write exit to close the Bash terminal.

Next time you want to use Bash, click on the Ubuntu icon again.

I hope this helps,
Tony de Araujo

Further research and updates

a) Running Ubuntu shell from within PowerShell

Once WSL is installed, you can also access the Linux shell by typing wsl ENTER from within PowerShell.
To exit, type exit ENTER.

b) Upgrading to WSL 2

At the time of this post, WSL 2 is only available with Windows build 18917 or higher.

Unless you have joined the Windows Insider Program, you will not have this Windows version yet.

To verify which Windows build you currently have, press the key combination WIN i.
Then, click System, and at the bottom, select About.
You will see your current Windows version and build number in there.

If your build is 18917 or higher, read the instructions in the following official URL to install WSL 2 . You can use both versions WSl and WSL 2 in your system and toggle from one to the other.

c) Visual Studio Code users

If you use Visual Studio Code, you may want to visit the following VSC page for some tips on how to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as your full-time development environment right from VS Code:

Best of luck,

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Learning to program in your free time

One of the biggest barriers, when trying to learn a new programming language after a long workday, is lack of time to spare. 

Having only a few minutes a day to invest for studying, we need to maximize learning by choosing a course that "sticks" at first attempt.

One course specifically designed for occupied people is The Go Programming Language Tutorial - Volume 1 on Udemy.

Its curriculum is short, focused, paced, and recursive. Here, you will not find major projects to do, just little exercises that help assimilate concepts, allowing the student to grow rapidly.

The Go Programming Language - Volume 1, introduces the language using easy examples. Although some advanced topics are covered early on, this volume teaches how to achieve programming outcomes without getting into data structures. Data structures will have its own volume in the series.

The Go Programming Language Tutorial - Volume 1

As an example, one detailed explanation hard to find anywhere is how to write to a computer file. You see, an external program runs in its own sandbox and only the computer Operating System has direct access to the computer hardware. 

The Go Programming Language Tutorial - Volume 1 takes the time to explain the implementation details of writing to file by using illustrative analogies. 

The idea is not to memorize syntax but to understand what needs to be done with the simplest example possible, and based on the curriculum covered in the first volume.

This course in programming is short but recursive and designed to teach.

Go for it,

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Is it hard to learn how to program a computer?

If you have never programmed before, you may think that programming is hard or just "too involved" to mess with. 

Well, my friend, the term programming is so broad that we can't really make good sense of it in one fell swoop. 

The word "programming" has a thousand different meanings. Programming is not something we learn and master from beginning to end. It could take a lifetime to become a master programmer, but for most of us, becoming a master is not a goal or destination; we just want to take advantage of knowing a little, and do a lot with what we know.

Learning a programming language is like learning English or any other human language. Do you really know everything about the English language? Probably not.

We should learn a programming language by slowly putting it to use. Here, going slow is faster. 

I have met many programming students that jump from language to language and years later still can't create a simple calculator, or create a file with a list of their favorite music collection, but they claim to have mastered several languages in a short time. They are not aware of their limitations. 

Being aware of limitations, is a product of experience. And experience comes from creating many programming solutions, as well as failing often in the process.  So, dear friend, go slow, enjoy the ride, and put your knowledge to use.

Now, which language should you start with?

It's up to you, of course. For example, you could go the popular route by learning JavaScript

Well, JavaScript is a labyrinth you really don't want to get involved with as a first language.

Instead, learn a new and fresh language, something not patched, a language on the way in, with lots of potential, something minimalist and to the point.

You can visit my post about Google Trends to see what I mean:

If I was going to begin my programming journey right now, I would pick the Go language, also known as Golang.

Why the Go language? 

  • Because it was designed by master programmers to circumvent many of the problems popular languages have encountered.  
  • Go brings wisdom and experience to modern programming, and takes in consideration the latest computer technology -- things that older languages did not foresee. 
  • Go is easy to start and simple to understand if you approach it with an open mind, but it may get complex later when you don't study from a well written and well-structured tutorial.

Where to go from here?

So, there you have it, if you are learning a programming language for the first time, or if you are looking for a good second programming language, go with Go (pun intended).

Just make sure you pick a good tutorial, such as
The Go Language Tutorial - Volume 1
on Udemy.

Good luck, my friend.


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Google Trends: PHP vs Go or Golang vs JavaScript

Visiting Google trends, I have found the following contrast between PHP and the Go language (Golang):
Go language:

The trending search differences between PHP and Go are staggering. This contrast tells me that more people are currently learning about Go programming than learning PHP from scratch.

However, just to be sure that Go is a trending language, here's another popular language trending graph, JavaScript:

From this perspective, if I was going to learn a new language today and struggle between choosing one of these paradigms, I would invest my time learning Go programming.

This is one of the reasons why I have created a course on Udemy for those wanting to learn the Go language from scratch:

The Go Programming Language Tutorial - Volume 1 is the first video-course of several other volumes designed for those who want to learn Golang but only have a few minutes of their time to invest per day.

The video course is an expanded version of my eBook Go Exercises in Plain Language published on Amazon.
I hope this has been useful,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Visiting Cape May, NJ

This morning I woke up out there in a mystic town called Cape May. The sounds of the Atlantic, along with those of my own sound choice coming from YouTube, started my day.

But that wasn't enough, I strolled down the road to Out There Coffee, on Ocean Street, and got my Cortado espresso. Out There Coffee is a lovely friendly place, with great coffee and pleasant reception, a good place to start my morning.
After the morning Jo, I began my mandatory minimum 10-thousand steps through the town, greeting gentle souls from all sorts of life.

Cape May, near Atlantic City and Wildwood, is a great place to unwind at any time of the year, but I prefer the off season period because, well, I'm a loner craving for peace and quiet moments away from the New York tic-toc professional life.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Is Go a good first language to start programming?

Go is a good first language to start programming with for several reasons.

  1. It has consistent syntax, making it easy to remember how to write code.
  2. As a modern language, Go has learned from mistakes made by older ones.
  3. Google endorses Go and that assures its future.
The problem you may encounter when learning Go first is that you might be reluctant to look back at older languages after. So, be careful (laughing)... 

Keep an open mind and go for it.

Here's a good place to start:

Try it.


Related post: Google trends PHP vs Go or Golang vs JavaScript

Friday, October 25, 2019

What are the best ways to teach yourself programming?

Coding is learned day by day, minute by minute, second by second, now to eternity.

Here, slow is actually faster.
Before code, comes pseudocode.
Learn it first, or in parallel.
Then the path becomes easier to travel.

As for best ways, everyone learns differently and no best way fits all.
One suggestion seems to be common among all styles of learning:
  • Practice writing code to solve problems. Do it daily.
  • Take note of your findings in a timely manner, and review your notes periodically. 
  • Improve your written scripts as time passes because it will give you a sense of accomplishment when you can write better code than you could earlier. 
As the saying goes:

"Amateurs practice until they can get it right.
Professionals practice until they can't get it wrong".

If you want a place to start, I suggest one of my courses for beginners:

Easy Golang Volume 1 - The Go Programming Language Tutorial

Good luck. Please share your progress and findings in the comments section.
Tony de Araujo

Saturday, October 19, 2019

R.I.P. TypeScript playground

The moment that simple TypeScript playground on was replaced by a convoluted version disregarding the hundreds of tutorials made specifically for it, I began losing trust on which direction Typescript is heading.

Don't they have a leader able to discern the potential damages they could make by such drastic change?

Somehow, an odd feeling of loss has replaced all the enthusiasm I had for the JavaScript superset.

Requiescat in pace.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Learn the Go language the easy way

Go is the systems language of the future.
Go Programming as a First Language - Volume 1 is an introduction to Go syntax written for everyone.
It does not assume any prior knowledge of Go or any other programming experience.

The course covers the nuances of Go, with in-depth guides to basic syntax.

Each video is an exercise per se.
The student is encouraged to write code and test each outcome to gain personal experience with each concept.
Learning is a personal activity, no one can teach forcefully. In the end, the student is his/her best teacher.
What you will learn
  • Basic syntax introduction.
  • Variables.
  • Data types and their purpose.
  • Control flow with if, else, and switch.
  • Basic functions, arguments, parameters.
  • Passing by value and by reference with pointers.
  • Loops.
  • How to install and test Go locally.
  • Basic command line skills.
  • How to get input data from the keyboard
Some advanced concepts that need to be covered early on.
The instructions are recursive and designed for deep learning.

Visit Go as a First Language on Udemy.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

PHP: MySQL (PDO) Tutorial

PHP has come a long way, and now with new type safety features, superior performance, asynchronous programming, and elegant object-oriented patterns, it can be overwhelming.

Despite all that, have no fear: I will show you where to get resources and pick up speed.

We will start with PHP database connection improvements. 

Every PHP programmer has heard of PDO but not everyone is taking advantage of this new way of connecting to a database. Many are still learning and using bloated code and legacy syntax even when using PDO.

Therefore, I have created a short course at Udemy to clear out any doubts about this improved PHP connectivity.

"The course is full of important and immediately useful techniques that you can put to work as soon as you return to your own projects."
"This tutorial doesn't overwhelm the reader with so much new material that they can't solidify even the basics; rather, the course provides just enough information to give the reader some agency in their learning. This is truly where PHP 7 - A Simple Guide to Database Connections with PDO shines while other countless PDO tutorials stumble." 

In addition, I will post related information here at BlogSpot in case you revisit again.
